Saturday, February 22, 2020

The Disciplinary Literacies Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Disciplinary Literacies Project - Essay Example For instance, within the wholesome body of being a doctor, some doctors choose and study to become dentists, surgeons, or simply perform regular operations, and many other branches. As such, the responsibilities of many doctors are beyond that of the patient (Viklund 96). This trade publication has sought to explore on the general study of doctorate professionalism. Being a doctor is often considered tremendous and tedious. However, many people have managed to devote part of their life and time to engage in studying to become doctors of varied categories in the world. As such, it is upon the nature and innate calling for one to engage in the tedious and time-consuming profession of being a doctor. This profession is mired by its professional ethos, something that has often made it to be a profession with credibility, ethos, legitimacy, and of high value in the human society. According to this publication, ethos form part of the doctorate profession. Training and intense preparation equip doctors with the right approaches and disciplines to be exemplified in the field. The article reiterates that there is need for all doctors to keep their focus on meeting the needs and requirements of the profession since this is one of the statements which rules among the doctorate ethics and cannons of behavior among professional doctors. Doctors are called upon to have good memory so that they can be swift in collecting information. Regularity of study is a necessary entity, which makes professional doctors. This is because research is an ongoing process, which elicits more methodologies and approaches to be used by doctors. Doctors are required to be of high understating power. Within the work of a doctor are measures and approaches, which should be made with little and swift thoughts. For instance, the trading article exemplifies that doctors in India are pressed upon to deliver even at situations with no utmost breakthroughs. Moreover, doctors earn their

Wednesday, February 5, 2020


PREPARE A 5 PAGE PAPER ON THE HISTORY, STRUCTURE, OPERATION, ACTIVITIES, AND PARTICIPANTS OF A SELECTED ORGANIZED CRIME. PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION TO INVOLVEMENT IN - Essay Example The UNODC further identifies that drug crime organizations are among the most urgent concerns for law enforcement because of their direct effect to society and individuals. Among these organizations, the organization led by Diego Leon Montoya Sanchez is on the top of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) list of organized crime syndicates. The organization is involved in drug-trafficking and money-laundering and is considered as one of the most dangerous and violent groups at its peak. Based in Colombia, it routes its cocaine operations through Ecuador to Mexico and then distributes to supply New York, Florida and Montreal in Canada. Organized crime is has rich history in any society. The traditional notions of organized crime are often described by criminal activities by close associations or groups operating in a locality though they may have significant networks in other communities. Gangs, syndicate, crime families have been part of the lore of law enforcement since its inception. However, today's generation of crime organizations have a stricture, network and form that competes with most multinational corporations. Today crime organizations operate on a global scale with no limitation to their interests or involvements (FBI, 2003). This is not saying that l... Newer networks, in contrast, are seen as having a more decentralized, often cell-like structure," (p. 7). Furthermore, Wagley differentiates them by how they operate: "conventional organizations have interests that are aligned with countriesModern networks, in contrast, are seen as less likely to profit from state contracts and often thrive on the absence of effective governance". According to the FBI and Colombian law enforcement, it is important to develop international and interagency cooperation to be able to address these hew challenges. In their efforts to indict Diego Leon Montoya Sanchez, investigation and operations had to be conducted simultaneously in the US and in Colombia highlighted the scale and sophistication that these crime organization operate which involves a network of conspirators in government and law enforcement, legitimate and illegitimate business and even government services themselves in their operations. Drugs and Organized Crime The drug trade is considered as one of the most lucrative crime operations ever developed. The sheer revenue form its operations can reach scales that it becomes even bigger than a country's legitimate economy. Take the example of Afghanistan. Central Asia has been the traditional gateway of dugs form Asia to Europe and it is estimated that the Al Qaeda and several other Para-military groups are protecting the cultivation of narcotics in the country to finance their armies (UNODC, 2006). These issues have come to international light particularly since the US occupation of the country. The UN's goals of globally eradicating drugs are not anymore an achievable target. One weakness of